
Also, you ironically use a logical fallacy to categorize “intelligence” with hearing and dexterity, asking how we can ethically judge people or rank them based on intelligence. The answer is that we often see no functional difference between acts committed by people of below average intelligence but who delusionally see themselves as genius leaders seeing through all the “conspiracies,” and acts committed by evil people. We can have the same disastrous outcomes. And intelligence isn’t merely an inborn capacity; it is increased with learning acquisition. When people don’t feel morally compelled to teach themselves because they have been brainwashed into thinking education is some prissy elite leftist circle jerk, yet they insist on voting and spreading misinformation, we are all negatively impacted by this plague of smug ignorance. It makes perfect moral and intellectual sense to regard people like this as a drain on society.

And your final sentence in your first comment belies everything you said prior! Unless by using the slur “dumb” you didn’t mean to comment on intelligence at all?

Values without critical thinking is just authoritarianism or dogma. Or at least disorganization. And critical thinking requires intelligence and education. So that should answer your (rhetorical?) question.



Natasha Coulis, Strategy-minded non-fiction writer
Natasha Coulis, Strategy-minded non-fiction writer

Written by Natasha Coulis, Strategy-minded non-fiction writer

How to strategically survive and thrive in a high-conflict, low-trust world. Focus: Critical thinking, relationships, politics, relationships, motherhood.

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