A hand rests against a wall with fingers slightly folded in. The hand belongs to a person of colour. The nails are slightly long. A rainbow made of a prism of light shines against the wall and falls across the hand.
Photo by Noelle Rebekah on Unsplash

An argument for embracing the label “transphobic”

What does it mean to be transphobic? Redphobia offers clues.

Sometimes people say they aren’t “afraid” of gay people or trans people and therefore they aren’t homophobic or transphobic. But these terms also include being afraid of outcomes related to accepting queer culture and families or trans identities and rights. If you’re afraid that…



Natasha Coulis, Strategy-minded non-fiction writer

How to strategically survive and thrive in a high-conflict, low-trust world. Focus: Critical thinking, relationships, politics, relationships, motherhood.