If you didn’t want to understand, why would you be talking to me? To divest your negative emotions from your life into someone? To feel smart because you’re so convinced you’re right, and you feel powerless somewhere else in your life? To argue? That’s what you’re doing. I can infer from what you’re doing that you’re doing it because you want to do it. Understanding requires asking questions to get to the point of being able to understand the argument that is being made. But you don’t ask questions to clarify what you don’t understand me to be saying. Even when you knew you were having trouble understanding you didn’t ask questions. You are not, at this point, able to rephrase ACCURATELY what I’m saying. That’s obvious in your replies because they aren’t logical replies. You are arguing with something not being said. And it’s necessary to understand fully someone’s argument before one can mount a coherent and credible rebuttal.
I won’t return to a circular discussion with someone unable to rephrase and understand what I’m saying. It’s a waste of my time. But I trust someone out there will read this exchange and find some understanding.
Peace, Steve.